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Джахангир абдуллаев

2 публикации 0 закладок

Э гифт (Подарок)

(Unpublished story allegedly by A.P. Chekhov)

A young man, a groom, really wanted to make gift for his bride and, after some thought, decided to buy a pair of chevrette gloves.
He and his sister went to a supply store for ladies. There he bought a pair of chevrette gloves. And at the same time his sister bought ladies' pantaloons for herself. However, an occasion came out. And it was in the fact that by delivering purchases to the addresses, the packages were mixed up: a package with pantaloons…

Опубликовал  пиктограмма мужчиныДжангир  03 дек 2021

Музыкальный автомат

Translated by Dzhakhangir Abdullayev

The Jukebox

(A mini-story)


This mini-story has its own background, just like everything that surrounds us and that we value, has a background.
During the jazz boom in America there would appear jazz stock exchanges on which new jazz-bands would appear like mushrooms after rain, and for them there would appear their producers. Sometimes musicians who met in the stock exchange created their own jazz band. Everything was going great. Success was just around the corner.
But then, one…

Опубликовал  пиктограмма мужчиныДжангир  28 июл 2021